Creating Space for Therapists
Are you curious about what the impacts of starting a personal art practice might be for you?
Do you enjoy noodling around with art materials and seeing what happens? Do you want to meet other local clinicians in a creative setting?
This offering might be just the thing for you!
Tell me more!
As a therapist, you've likely heard about the benefits and insights that the Expressive Arts can bring into your life, like self-soothing, reduction of anxiety, addressing symptoms of burnout, increased sense of fulfillment, deeper self-knowledge, and a new way of knowing. And you're also aware of the power of working in a group. This experience combines Expressive Arts and group work. We'll begin with a guided grounding mindfulness exercise. We'll then offer invitations to make Art (with options) and you'll have a generous expanse of time to create with a rich variety of materials to work with to create 2D or 3D pieces. The focus is on the process of creation and not the product. You'll be invited to share as it feels comfortable, and we will close with setting an intention based on your group experience/art-making that evening.
No prior art experience or even specific skills necessary, and all supplies are provided.
Both leaders have significant Art/Expressive Art backgrounds and have personal art practices that inform their clinical work and personal lives.
(This is an open group, so you can come to one, two or all three meetings as you wish--this isn't therapy or a support group.)
Please let us know ten days in advance of the meeting so we can plan accordingly.
Group will cancel if less than 4 participants have reserved a spot by the deadline.
Fee (which covers materials) is $125 per session for licensed clinicians and $75 per session for pre-licensed clinicians. Pre-payment to reserve your spot is required. (If you become unable to attend, payment can be applied to a subsequent meeting).