(Image by Portraits to the People)

(Image by Portraits to the People)

To find your "right-fit" therapist, you need to get a feel for who they are and where they came from.
(Which, in my case, is Wisconsin.)

Of course, there's more.
Art Therapy is the last in a series of practice professions for me. I started out as a high school English and Journalism teacher. For a while, I worked with adults with developmental disabilities in community settings, and was a copy editor at a daily newspaper. Then, I landed as a sign language interpreter for 30 years. I managed and mentored as well as taught interpreters, carrying forward what I learned in my first career. Now I bring insights and understanding from all of my professional and personal experiences into my work as a therapist.

Therapy is too good to be limited to the sick.
— Erving Polster, Gestalt Therapy Integrated: Contours of Theory & Practice

Training and Certifications

  • Graduate of The Developmental Model of Couples Therapy Training under Ellyn Bader Ph.D. at The Couples Institute

  • Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Certificate of Interpretation/Certificate of Transliteration (CI/CT)

  • Graduate of the Group Therapy Training Program at The Psychotherapy Institute


California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT)

San Francisco Chapter of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (SFCAMFT)

Santa Clara Valley Chapter of  the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (SCV-CAMFT)

Northern California Art Therapy Association (NorCATA)

Art Therapy Credentials Board (ATCB)

Northern California Group Psychotherapy Association (NCGPS)