guest lectures
Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA, Psychopharmacology and Adolescents in MFT Practice, 2020.
Notre Dame de Namur, Belmont CA, Introduction to Art Therapy, 2015 and 2016.
California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco CA, Transformative Imagery, 2015.
Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park CA, Introduction to Art Therapy, 2014.
Workshops and Conferences
The Psychotherapy Institute (TPI) Group Therapy Training Program lecture and experiential, 2021-2023. Expressive Arts/Arts Based Activities in Groups.
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) Region V Conference, 2018. Improve Your GPA (Good Professional Attitude): It's About EQ, Not IQ, with Rob Balaam.
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) Region V Conference, 2018. Supporting Professional Longevity: Preventing Burnout Through Enhancing Resiliency, with Rob Balaam.
Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society's 48th Clinical Conference, 2018. Creative Ways to Cope with Chronic Pain: Art Therapy Groups for Injured Workers.
San Antonio Community College, 2018. You, Me, and Our Team Makes Three.
San Antonio Community College, 2018. Creatively Coming Together.
Texas Society of Interpreters for the Deaf (TSID), 2017. Taming Your Inner Critic, with Rob Balaam.
Texas Society of Interpreters for the Deaf (TSID), 2017. Supporting Professional Longevity: Preventing Burnout Through Enhancing Resiliency, with Rob Balaam.
Texas Society of Interpreters for the Deaf (TSID), 2017. Improve Your GPA (Good Professional Attitude): It's About EQ, Not IQ, with Rob Balaam.
Northern California Art Therapy Association (NORCATA) West Coast Conference, 2016. A Balm for Chronic Pain: Art Therapy in Functional Restoration Programs [panel organizer and participant].
Northern California Art Therapy Association (NORCATA) Spring Workshop, 2015. Wrapping Enraptured: An Experiential Exploration.
Northern California Art Therapy Association (NORCATA) Conference, 2013. My Dad is a Beagle and My Mother is an Otter: Deepened Understanding Using Animal Image Portraits.
John F. Kennedy University (JFK), Berkeley, CA. Deepening Imagery through Expressive Arts with Dr. Rashmi Chidanand, 2016.
Contact me if you or your organization would Like me to speak at an event or a workshop.